Leadership & Cemeteries
Thinking about the bigger picture of our life helps us make better decisions today.
How to feel calmer and confident
Do you sing because you are happy? Or are you happy because you sing? Your actions can influence your emotions. Use the ‘act as if’ tool to affect your emotions for the better.
Young Boss, Older Team
Managing older, more experienced members of a team is a common challenge in hospitality. Here I'm sharing 6 strategies that the people I’ve worked with say have made things better.
Standards Not Stress
Problem: I’m the leader of a busy kitchen. I keep finding myself feeling moody and frustrated when people on my team aren’t working to my standards
Are meetings draining your energy ?
3 quick and easy tips for improving the meetings you run or participate in
Are you in control? Get back in the driving seat now!
What unconscious behaviours are driving your leadership? Are they serving you and your teams well? If not, what can you do about it?
My best ever leadership tool
Sometimes (nearly always in my book) the simplest things are the best. This is so simple you may even want to dismiss it. Stick with me!
I wish I’d heard of Managing Up 20 years ago
Managing is a two way process. We don't often talk about the managing UP part. And it's a key skill to develop as you grow in your career.
Finding your delegation WHY
Sometimes we find it hard to let go of work. Perfectionism, time, trust and even guilt can all get in the way. Finding your delegation why helps unblock these blockers.
The Right to disconnect
Not working makes us better at working. It may sound counterintuitive but switching off work (a.k.a the The Right to Disconnect) leads to better results for us as people and for the businesses we run or work in.
Name it, to tame it
Are there any elephants in your room right now? Honesty and directness can be uncomfortable. And because we like to avoid discomfort, it’s tempting to allow some topics to remain unaddressed…
Letting go: how to ACTUALLY do it
It's all too easy - maybe even a cliché - to tell people to let go. But what ACTUALLY helps?
Loving yourself - Valentine's Special
You can be happy and whole on your own, and lonely and unfulfilled in a relationship. And vice versa. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.
4 tools to grow your career
4 very useable tools that created shifts for my coaching clients making big leaps in their careers.
4 Perspectives for Handling Hard Thoughts
How would you soothe a crying child: by ignoring them or by holding them? Rather than resist or ignore difficult thoughts think of how you could be more compassionate to yourself.
How to Boost Self-Belief
What are you more likely to remember at the end of the day: the 50 positive experiences you had or the one negative interaction?
End the Year Well
Heading into the final weeks of 2023. I think quite a few of us feel a bit frazzled by this point. Even more important then to PAUSE, STEP BACK, see the BIG PICTURE.
Buddhism for leaders
Want to get better at handling difficult situations? Put down that second arrow.
Say more with less
Saying more in fewer words is an act of generosity. In a world full of noise people will appreciate you if you respect their time.
Let’s Talk
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