I wish I’d heard of Managing Up 20 years ago

Managing is a two way process. We don't often talk about the managing UP part. 20 years ago when I first had a boss I’m pretty sure the concept didn’t exist. And yet it's a key skill to develop as you grow in your career.

Managing up is:

⬆️ developing the tools to communicate with your boss
⬆️ to find the best way to work together
⬆️ so you can be successful AND happy in your job

4 ways to start:

✅ communicate communicate communicate

In my coaching, under communicating comes up over + over again. When I ask "Did you talk to your X about that?" the answer is often no. Speaking up moves us forward. Staying silent keeps us stuck.

✅ no surprises

If you are struggling to get something done don't wait for them to find out some other way that you are behind. Tell them straight out "I wanted you to know I'm behind on this thing - here's my plan."

✅ let them help you prioritise

If you feel like you are drowning and not able to do everything, instead of feeling swamped by deadlines talk to your boss about it. Involving your manager in your prioritising is a managing up super power.

✅ set realistic expectations

If someone expects something that is not realistic, do not agree to it! You were hired because you know what you are doing in your role - and most likely because you know it better than your boss does. So act like the expert + manage expectations if something is not feasible. Put yourself in a position to win - underpromise and overdeliver.

Which of these help you the most right now? What else would you add?


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