How to feel calmer and confident

Confidence and calm are your leadership superpowers. When you feel more of both, everything just flows a little easier. One of my favourite tools to help tap into that:

"Act as if."

When we act as if we're calm, we actually feel calmer. This can look like: taking a few deep breaths, slowing down your speech, pausing before you respond, or even moving at a slower pace.

When we act as if we're confident, we start to embody that confidence. This might mean: standing tall, taking up more space, asking for what you want, or using fewer words to get your message across.

It’s like “fake it ‘til you make it,” but better—because there’s nothing fake about it.

Ever heard of the vagus nerve? It’s the connection between your brain and your body. And guess what? Your body sends signals to your brain, too. That means your actions can actually influence how you feel.

This idea is summed up perfectly in a proverb I came across recently: Do you sing because you're happy? Or are you happy because you sing?

When we realise the latter is possible, it changes everything


Leadership & Cemeteries


Young Boss, Older Team