How to Boost Self-Belief
What are you more likely to remember at the end of the day: the 50 positive experiences you had or the one negative interaction?
The mind is like VELCRO for negative experiences and TEFLON for positive ones. It's how we are hard-wired. This tendency can have a huge impact on our confidence and happiness if we don't counteract it.
Research suggests we remember bad things very easily but need to consciously hold a positive experience in our brain for 20 seconds to remember it later.
So, we need an active process of taking in the positive in order to make up for our brain's wiring.
3 ways to make it stick
💪 Name your 3 Ps
At the end of each day name 3 things you are proud of - think of big and small achievements. Everything counts. This daily ritual trains our brain to recognise and remember positive moments.
💪 Keep a brag file
Create a folder where you keep evidence of your achievements. Mine is in my Notes App and has screen shots of good feedback I've received, positive testimonials, words of acknowledgement in emails, awards, articles and photos. Update it regularly. Read it often.
💪 Learn to accept compliments and positive feedback
Do you squirm and shrink away from praise? Look out for times when you dismiss positive feedback or thanks. Instead of dismissing it - ‘Oh it was nothing’ - how about thanking and adding an honest take of your own? - ‘Thank you for noticing, that means a lot to me’.
💭 What are you like at recognising your achievements?
💭 Do you bat off compliments and praise?
💭 What are you proud of?
💭 What positive feedback have you been given?
💭 What would help you focus on the positives?
💭 How might it help you?
P.S. lifting weights makes me feel powerful, positive and gives me a HUGE sense of accomplishment.