New year intentions (vs resolutions)
Here are a few examples of resolutions versus intentions:
Run a marathon vs Make health my priority
Cut out sugar vs Nourish myself
See friends more vs Find deep connection
It might seem a matter of semantics, but the difference between resolutions and intentions runs deeper than you may think.
While making a resolution can be a powerful tool to meet your New Year goals, it can start to feel like an obligation. Resolutions offer little flexibility, which can set you up for failure. But when you set an intention, you approach your goals with more compassion for yourself and more connection to what you want. As a result, you feel less pressured and more inspired to take action.
Resolutions vs intentions are about...
should vs want
the what vs the why
an outcome vs a guiding principle
strict vs flexible
create pressure vs inspires you
set once a year vs can be set daily
My intention for 2023 is to MAKE SPACE.
Just for a moment take a bird's eye view of your life. Look for where things feel imbalanced or unfulfilling...
What are you longing for? What do you yearn for more of in your life? What do your truly want?