Stuck? You only have 3 options

In any stuck situation there are only 3 options to exert some influence and get back in the driver's seat. If you are feeling trapped in something, try cycling through them. Spend some time brainstorming each area and see what comes up.

1. Change the situation

This option looks at your external circumstances. We can ask other people to change things. What requests do you need to make to change your situation right now? Ask clearly and succinctly for what you want and need. Give feedback to ask people to behave differently around you. Of course, we can’t control other people. We can only make requests and see how they respond. They may say no. But you can always ask.

2. Change yourself

Internal change. We can’t always control our circumstances but we can control ourselves. This is not asking you to change your personality or tolerate a situation you should not tolerate. But can you be happy or at least happier here if you shift your approach to a situation or your mindset? For instance you may protect yourself by saying no, setting boundaries, and avoiding toxicity. Or dealing with someone in a different way. Or you may learn to accept a situation and not try to change it. Or even learn to appreciate what good there is for you.

3. Walk away

If you don’t want to, or can’t, do either of the above; or you have tried them and they don’t work you can also choose to leave.

(Of course there is also a 4th option which is to do nothing and continue being stuck. This is a choice in itself.)

Where do you feel stuck? What options do you have? How can you get unstuck?


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