
Scrabble pieces which spell prioritise

What’s really important in your life right now? What truly matters to you? What’s your biggest priority in and out of work?

Something I commonly see in my coaching clients is a sense of frustration that so little of their time is spent on the big things they are trying to achieve. It may be caught up in firefighting problems. Or bogged down in seemingly pointless tasks.

Working (and living) like this is not pleasant experience. We are either on constant high alert not knowing when the next problem is going to hijack our day. Or we are unfulfilled as the time and energy we spend is not really having an impact.

Taking time to get crystal clear on what matters to you is a first step for breaking this hamster wheel.

Once you know your priorities, I’d encourage you to take a good, long look at how you spend your days. If most of your time is spent on things that aren’t your priorities, something needs to change.

Making the change isn’t always easy, especially as it’s down to you to make it. It may take honest conversations, delegation, saying no, standing up for yourself, having boundaries, letting go of perfectionism and having the courage to protect time and space for the important stuff.

Because how we spend our days, is how we spend our lives…


How To De-Stress: in 5 minutes or less


Focus on what you can influence