Pay attention to what you pay attention to

Managing work (and life) isn’t about time management. It’s about attention management.

We live in a productivity obsessed world and all have to-do lists longer than our arms. We'll never get it all done. Trying to manage time to make more of it, is a battle we will never win.

Attention management is:

🔎 Noticing where our attention is

Maybe it's drawn to things that aren't serving you. Doom scrolling? A negative inner voice? Things that make you feel bad? Try spending a day regularly noticing where your attention is. My first ever coach asked me to do this and it was a REVELATION.

🔎 Choosing what we pay attention to

A.K.A prioritising. If you can't do it all, focus your energy on what is important. What matters most? What has an impact at work? What inspires and fulfils you?

🔎 Find positive places to place our attention

We can be drawn to threat and negativity. This is our brain's hardwiring. Our amygdala’s role is to keep us safe from failure, risk and perceived danger. Hundreds of thousands of years ago we needed it. But now it overreacts and we need to counteract it. As I walk to and from work I look out for beauty. It's a conscious choice and lifts my mood.

🔎 More attention = fewer distractions

Some ideas: notifications off, do some work off-site (not in your restaurant), set up Focus on your phone (life changing!), put the Whatsapp groups in archive and check them on your terms.

What is one action you could take having read this?


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