Are getting in your own way again?

One of my current clients - a multi business-owner about to move into a new phase of growth - has tasked me with getting him to think big. As a coach my job is to see my clients as bigger than they see themselves. And, by the way, I have my own coach who does the same for me.

Here's the 7 steps I work through to shift from limiting to an enabling mindset.

Sharing in case they help you.

1️⃣ KNOW limiting beliefs hold us back

Get honest with yourself about areas you are hindering your success through your own thoughts, beliefs and attitude.

2️⃣ REALISE beliefs are not facts

They may feel true but beliefs are subjective + unreliable, they are assumptions our brain makes often to protect us from our fear of risk or failure.


Notice when your internal voice is expressing a limiting belief. This isn’t always obvious, so your job is to constantly be on the lookout.

4️⃣ LOWER the volume

You can't stop your thoughts but hearing them is different to listening to them. If a thought is not serving you acknowledge it and choose not listen to or act on it.

5️⃣ REPLACE limiting with enabling beliefs

As you start to identify limiting beliefs write them down and then reframe them by writing an enabling or empowering belief instead.

6️⃣ VISUALISE an alternative outcome

Imagine what would happen if you did not have your limiting belief. Make your visualisation as real as possible. See yourself becoming the person you could be. What if it all turned out right?

7️⃣ ACT

Seek out challenges where you can practise your new enabling beliefs. Proving your limiting belief wrong is the best way to knock it on its head.

What will you do as result of reading this?


Say more with less


Marinate in this baby ;)